“Bluefrog helped us understand exactly why donors were giving and why they were leaving. But their help didn’t stop there. Their recommendations were based on years of fundraising experience that went way beyond what we normally expect from a research partner. In short, they turned the whole charity around.”

Who gives to you and why?

If you want to know more about why your donors give to you and why they don’t, you need to speak to our research team. As well as running Bluefrog research programmes throughout the world, we are also able to run charity specific studies where we speak to your current donors, your lapsed donors and those who might give to you.

We believe that understanding all perspectives of donor behaviour is crucial for developing effective fundraising strategies and cultivating meaningful donor relationships. And unlike most commercial research companies, we use our regular internal studies to give your projects a huge head-start.

1. Taking your brief

We begin our research journey by taking time to understand your goals. Our extensive knowledge base may provide you with valuable insights, saving you both time and resources. But we recognise that there may be unknown aspects or unexplored challenges that you are looking to examine.

Collaboratively, we will help you refine your hypotheses and develop a clear understanding of the specific areas you want to explore. Our expertise allows us to formulate research methodologies and strategies to effectively test and address your questions. Through our partnership, we aim to uncover not only the answers you seek but also unearth valuable insights that can lead to new discoveries and opportunities.

2. Uncovering their needs

Understanding Donor Motivations Our qualitative research program is designed to the need states that drive donors to give. We conduct in-depth interviews, focus groups, and surveys to gain valuable insights into their thought processes, emotions, and the factors that influence their giving behaviour. By delving into the need states behind their actions, we can uncover the meaningful connections between donors and the causes they support.

3. Identifying Barriers:

We don't stop at understanding why donors give; we also aim to discover why some individuals choose not to give. Through our research, we investigate the barriers that prevent potential donors from engaging with a cause or organization. By identifying these barriers, we can develop strategies to overcome them and create compelling appeals that build long-lasting relationships.

4. Research Methodology:

Our research methodology combines qualitative techniques such as interviews and focus groups, allowing us to gather rich and nuanced data directly from donors. We carefully design our research programs to ensure a diverse representation of donors, considering factors such as demographics, giving habits, and geographic locations. This enables us to capture a comprehensive range of perspectives and insights.

5. Confidentiality and Trust:

We understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality in conducting qualitative research. All information shared during our research programs is treated with the utmost respect and kept strictly confidential. Donors can feel safe and confident in sharing their thoughts and experiences, knowing that their input will be used solely for research purposes.

6. Actionable Insights:

Our qualitative market research programs deliver actionable insights that empower organizations to develop effective fundraising strategies. By understanding the motivations behind donor giving and the barriers to non-giving, we provide our clients with the knowledge and tools to tailor their approaches, messaging, and campaigns to resonate with their target audience.

7. Cultivating Meaningful Donor Relationships:

At Bluefrog, we believe that fundraising is not just about securing one-time donations but about building life-long relationships with donors. Through working with our research team, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of donors' desires, aspirations, and concerns, allowing us to foster connections that go beyond transactional giving.

8. Your Partner in Research and Fundraising Success:

When you partner with us for qualitative market research, you gain access to a team of experienced researchers and strategist dedicated to helping you unlock the insights needed for fundraising success. We guide you through the research process, provide expert analysis, and offer actionable recommendations that align with your organization's mission and goals.

To find out more about Bluefrog’s latest studies or what we can do for you, get in touch today.